Kangaroo Bounds into The Chapel Gallery

On Thursday 20 February, we officially launched the latest exhibition in The Chapel Gallery, KANGAROO UNBOUND, a touring exhibition from the University of Wollongong. The exhibition features etchings and collagraphs from Garry Shead’s iconic D. H. Lawrence series, as well as recent poems written in response to those works by Wollongong writer and academic, Dr Luke Johnson.

It was a wonderful evening of art, poetry, music, conversation, and great food. Dr Johnson spoke about the genesis of the exhibition before giving a poetry recital. What an extraordinary experience to hear poetry recited from a person so masterfully adept with language. The seventeen artworks by Garry Shead selected for this exhibition are striking and full of drama and anticipation. Each artwork is accompanied by a poem penned by Dr Johnson which have recently been published in a book with the same title as the exhibition.

KANGAROO UNBOUND continues in The Chapel Gallery until Thursday 27 March.  Click here for opening hours, events, and how to book a tour.