Enrichment, Extension & Support
Our devoted and creative Infants teaching team are committed to catering to the specific needs of each child. We recognise the varying levels of ability and development in children, and offer support and extension in small, interactive group settings. This encourages and supports each child to develop their individual potential. Our teaching and support teams ensure that each child is working at their appropriate and optimum level.
The core curriculum is enhanced by regular stimulating excursions and incursions including zoo, aquarium and farm visits, hospital tours, animal encounters, sensory workshops and seaside outings.
New Horizons for High Ability Students
The Kindergarten to Year 5 Enrichment Program seeks to identify and support high achieving students who would benefit from extension in certain academic areas. All students are assessed at the beginning of each year and, along with teacher recommendations, a number of children are selected to take part in the program, through small group sessions. Groups alter throughout the year and may focus on literacy, numbering, Science or Art.
Learning Support
Flexibility and creativity are vital aspects of the dynamic learning support environment at SGCS. Our School offers strong intentional support services to students across every educational stage.
Our Learning Support Staff work cooperatively with classroom teachers to modify and differentiate learning experiences to ensure that individual needs are being met. This is combined with one-on-one support as well as small group intensive programs to build and consolidate specific skills.
We are committed to nurturing every student to ensure they reach their God given potential.