“Inspire Inclusion” was the theme of International Women’s Day 2024, focusing on creating environments where all women are valued and respected. Ms Anna Smith, Year 12 Year Adviser, attended the Georges River Council’s International Women’s Day Breakfast on Friday, 8 March, with a group of SGCS female Prefects, Sophie Cox, Olympia Yacoel, Melody Tambun, Serena Maskito, Maya Talevski, Sarah Chew, Minami Vaughan, Laura Madden and Catherine Heslop. The event was supported by Council members, politicians and local business leaders. |
After a delicious buffet breakfast, international motivational speaker and author of the book ‘Kindness’, Kath Koschel, presented her message about perspective, resilience, and kindness. Ms Smith described Kath Koschel’s message as being both moving and inspirational: ‘She had a truly incredible story to share, that was close to home for us in the area. Kath grew up in Oatley and went on to become a professional cricketer. However, as we learnt, her cricket career was cut short and she faced almost unimaginable hurdles, including learning how to walk again on three separate occasions. We were shocked, laughed together and were inspired as she talked about how amidst these harrowing experiences, she created the Kindness Factory on social media to share her small acts of kindness. Each of us came away with a determination to not only be more grateful for what we have but to daily express gratitude for those who God has put in our lives.’ Senior School celebrated International Women’s Day at School on Monday 11 March. Celebrations included a mufti day, face painting, sporting events and a gratitude wall to inspire inclusion amongst the students of SGCS. These events were fundraisers for Share the Dignity, a charity chosen because of their work to make a difference to the lives of women who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness, domestic violence or poverty. Their website is: https://www.sharethedignity.org.au/about |