Junior School (Year 3 - Year 5)
Our Junior School focuses on the exciting, inquisitive stage of education where students progress towards independent, enquiring learning. Through skills and enquiry based exploration, Junior School builds on the educational foundations laid in the early years. Dual streaming of classes enables everyone to be known, cared for and personally challenged.
Junior School offers a comprehensive, balanced and engaging curriculum with a Christian world view. Core programs are enhanced through a range of co-curricular activities, including excursions, camps, choir, performances and sporting events. Students are given opportunities to engage in special interest groups including band, drama, jump rope, mathematics competitions, music and technology. Students also have access to the wider campus and its learning facilities at scheduled times.
- We are committed to nurturing a spirit of excellence, joy in learning and resilience in relationships. We value our partnership with our families and seek to be supportive by working together to educate the children entrusted to our care.
'Junior School serves as a sanctuary for play, study and reflection fostering independent, enquiring learning.' Nicole Finch - Head of Junior School