Workshops and Seminars

The Strong Hearts Strong Minds Workshop and Seminar Series is an initiative of the St George Christian School, designed to address the range of issues that parents and extended family may face in raising children.

These interactive information workshops and seminars provide sound advice and specific strategies to improve the well being of both the child and the family unit. They are open to parents and friends of SGCS.

Cost: $20 per workshop or seminar, bookings essential: (02) 9547 2311

Emotional Wellbeing: Helping Children Manage Their Emotions 

A two-part workshop aiming to assist parents and educators in understanding how anger and anxiety works, and how conflict can be resolved. In this interactive, informative session, strategies will be outlined to help children manage their emotions. The session will include opportunities for discussion and a Q&A session.

This workshop will be presented by Melissa Honor, a relationship educator, specialising in parenting issues, couples’ communication and conflict resolution.

SESSION 1: Anger Wednesday 5 March 2025, 11:45am- 2:45pm

SESSION 2: ANXIETY Wednesday 12 March 2025, 11:45am- 2:45pm


COST: $20 Bookings are essential


Sticks and Stones: How to Bully-Proof Your Child

This workshop aims to equip parents with the skills required to help their child become bully-proof. During this interactive, informative session, Melissa will provide an overview of the nature of bullying and specific strategies to prevent and manage bullying.

This workshop will be presented by Melissa Honor, a relationship educator, specialising in parenting issues, couples’ communication and conflict resolution.

Date: 2025 dates to be advised

How You Say It: Talking Positively to Children

Words have the power to build up or tear down. This workshop offers sound advice in how you can use your words for good, and offers strategies for how to speak life in stressful moments.

This workshop will be presented by Melissa Honor, a relationship educator, specialising in parenting issues, couples’ communication and conflict resolution.

Wednesday 21 May 2025, 11:45am- 2:45pm


Loving the Rollercoaster: Parenting Teens

The move from parenting a child to parenting a teenager can cause concern for the most capable parent. This workshop aims to assist parents in developing strategies for communicating and setting boundaries with your teen. Be equipped to not only survive the adolescent years but to enjoy the ride.

This workshop will be presented by Melissa Honor, a relationship educator, specialising in parenting issues, couples’ communication and conflict resolution.

Date: 2025 dates to be advised

Spare the Rod: Effective Discipline

This interactive workshop gives parents tools and techniques to effectively and respectfully discipline their children. Successful discipline does not focus on training children to behave in ways that avoid punishment but rather teaches wisdom for life. This is discipline with the end in mind. This workshop is suitable for parents of K-6 children.

This workshop will be presented by Melissa Honor, a relationship educator, specialising in parenting issues, couples’ communication and conflict resolution. .

Monday 2 June 2025, 9:15am – 12:15pm

Survive & Thrive: Building Resilience in Your Children

This workshop aims to assist parents and educators develop effective strategies to help children cope with the stresses of modern life in a positive way.

This workshop will be presented by Melissa Honor, a relationship educator, specialising in parenting issues, couples’ communication and conflict resolution.

Date: 2025 dates to be advised

Location: SGCS Library Bay Room