As showers of rain gave way to sunshine, our Year 12 Class of 2024 gathered on the final day of Term 3 to celebrate thirteen years of formal schooling. With joyful smiles and a few damp eyes, parents, caregivers and staff waited expectantly in the Hall.

Applause erupted as the students walked triumphantly under cheerful archways of balloons to take their seats on their very last day of School.
Mrs Lee, Head of Senior School, welcomed everyone to the graduation and Mr Honor, Principal, reflected on fond memories with Year 12. He shared stories of his grandson and discussed our identity and how we are shaped by one another. Mr Honor stressed the importance of taking on life-affirming messages and grasping the way Jesus’ sacrifice allows us to be adopted into His family and to be gifted with abundant life. He encouraged Year 12, as they prepare for life outside the walls of the School, to hold onto this truth.

It was a joy to watch the enthusiastic group of Kindergarten children present gifts to our eighteen Year 12 students who have been with the School since they themselves were in Kindergarten.
As the portfolios and awards were presented, it was evident that the Class of 2024 are an extraordinary group of young men and women.
Mr Woods and Mrs Smith, Year Advisers, expressed pride and confidence in the students, affirming their belief that they will achieve amazing things. They acknowledged the experience, skills and character the students have developed which have set them up well to venture out safely to bless the wider world.

Congratulations to all of our award winners and to George Y who was awarded dux, and to each and every student for their unique and valuable contribution to the life of the School.
Sophie Cox and Alex Putra, our 2024 Captains, spoke eloquently at the ceremony about the ways their years at School have shaped them into adults. Alex concluded with a poignant quote from Winnie the Pooh which sums up succinctly the mix of joy and sadness felt by many on graduation day:
‘How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.’
The Year 12 Class of 2025 Prefects were sworn into their new roles and graciously accepted their badges from the 2024 Prefects as their final act of service in their roles.
After the ceremony, guests gathered in the courtyard to enjoy refreshments and reminisce together.